Using AI for content creation has SEO benefits, but it has also created a new problem. 

The sheer volume of mass-produced AI content on the internet has turned Google’s attention to the quality of content indexed by search. 

Like fellow content marketers, I was worried that Google frowned at using AI to create content and was prepared to flag it as spam. 

However, that isn’t the case. 

Recent updates from Google show that the “leader of Search” is only concerned that marketers may be putting out AI-written text to manipulate search rankings rather than creating reliable content to answer user queries. 

Judging from its E-E-A-T framework, Google Search now rewards original, high-quality content with more visibility. 

It doesn’t matter if the bulk of the content comes from AI-text generators; it will appear on SERPs. 

So, should we ditch human writers for ChatGPT and other automation tools?

I’ve researched this topic for some time, and I’ll discuss my findings about using AI content and what it means for SEO. 

Can my content rank with AI-generated content?

Since the release of ChatGPT in 2022, many independent writing tools have flooded the market. I regularly find an email newsletter “written by Jasper” or a section of a blog post created by 

When I turn to ChatGPT myself, I discover that the response is just large chunks of repetitive text that do not necessarily add any new information. 

At first, I waved off AI content, believing that search engines would eventually clamp down on them. 

Companies like HubSpot and Forbes have experimented with AI-generated content. Their findings show that the content ranked highly for different keywords.

To clear any last doubt I had, Google’s recent AI content policies only object to AI content use in relation to SERP manipulation. 

In essence, using AI content is fair game. 

Here’s what Google recently said about using AI for content:

Google clarifies that it’s only concerned with ranking people-oriented content, not with how content is produced. 

This is a massive game-changer. Google just authorized the spammy content. 

Or did they?

The thing with AI content is that you get the work done faster, but you cannot determine how well machine content will perform. 

When Google systems learn that your content lacks new information, they can demote your page, leading to a loss of site traffic.

In line with its goals to combat spam and low-quality content appearing in results, Google has revised its ethical guidelines on using AI-generated content.

 AI content can rank on Google if it meets this criteria:

  • Aligns with search intent and provides user value.
  • Optimized for relevant keywords
  • Up to date with Google’s algorithm updates

I follow this guiding principle when using an AI content generator for first drafts. Your site’s ranking and domain authority will be affected if you simply publish regurgitated, unoriginal text.

What are the risks of using AI content?

While search engines do not mind AI content if it meets the ranking criteria, business owners should be aware of the risks of AI content marketing. 

Here are other reasons to reconsider publishing an AI-generated text:

Lack of originality

Despite countless technological updates, like the release of GPT-4, AI has continually failed to be original in its approach to storytelling. 

I think AI will never reach human levels of originality. Take that to the bank.

Machine-generated text will always struggle with vocabulary, repetitive sentence structure, and a lack of unique style. 

I’ve also realized that AI lacks the healthy bias and logic that comes with being human. Its biases and viewpoints come from the language model.

Only experienced human writers understand how to use case studies, testimonials, and authoritative references in their appropriate context. 

Brand voice

AI cannot sufficiently convey information like a professional writer would, especially for brand storytelling. 

How can you distinguish yourself from the sea of competitors when your writing sounds robotic?

Whether you’re writing for a brand or your own business, you can successfully connect with an audience with original, authoritative, and trustworthy content. 

And your brand voice should rely on a user persona based on your core audience.

Filler content

AI content contains fluff and fillers. This comes from the vocabulary in most written communication. So, AI text generators follow the same verbose blueprint. 

I always advocate that AI content is a great starting point, but you should never publish it without editing. 

Most users will exit a page once they cannot identify answers within a few glances, thus affecting site performance.   

Contains misinformation

AI content writing tools sometimes produce false information. ChatGPT has only been trained with data available before 2021, meaning that it cannot access recent relevant data. 

Google has updated its search algorithm to filter and penalize sites that publish misleading or incorrect information. 

If you’re publishing using an AI tool for content, you need to be sure that the facts are accurate and up-to-date.

Legal Issues

Depending on your business niche, using AI-derived text could result in legal charges. Using AI content can also involve using someone else’s intellectual property without their consent. 

There are reports of visual artists suing AI content creators for misusing copyrighted work. Another famous case featured a lawyer getting in trouble for using fake case citations from ChatGPT.

Since these algorithms are trained to scrape existing data, this raises issues of plagiarism and copyright infringement. 

Bad for SEO 

If you’re using AI tools to generate content, chances are your competitors are using similar tools and punching in identical queries. 

You run the risk of serving duplicate content that is similar in structure and language to your competitors.

Then, it becomes harder for your blog post to be indexed by the search engine since Google uses systems like SpamBrain to identify and flag spam content.

Regardless of how many ranking keywords or link-building you do, duplicate content can hurt SEO performance.

How to Use AI for content creation

AI tools can be a great advantage to SEO content if you use them correctly. Here is how:

Let your readers know

Readers want to know when they’re reading AI-generated content. It comes back to the fear of AI taking over human craft.

Companies experimenting with AI usually label their content with “written by AI” or similar tags. This shows your transparency and ethical approach to content creation. 

Being transparent with your audience about how you use AI is paramount for building trust, especially as we move into an AI-integrated world,”

Being transparent with your audience about how you use AI is paramount for building trust, especially as we move into an AI-integrated world.
Kimberly Huang, Content Marketing Manager at Litmus

Use AI for keyword research

Generative AI can work through copious amounts of data to identify the highest-ranking keywords for a given topic. 

These tools also offer related topics and subtopics to build an outline that makes your content richer and more search-worthy.

For example, you can create a prompt for a specific keyword in ChatGPT. The results will show you keywords and key phrases.

Play around with the prompt to get tailored recommendations for your use case.

Use AI for link-building

Link-building is an essential part of SEO that can get time-consuming and difficult. Ease up the process using AI tools to identify potential areas for link-building and analyze backlinks for efficiency.

AI tools will also help you spot linking opportunities with external, authoritative publications. They’ll also help you strategize for internal and outbound links.

Optimize AI content for voice search 

Most marketers overlook voice search. I get it; it’s quite easy to ignore. But if you want to capture a broader audience, optimize your content for search using Alexa, Cortana, Siri, and others.

voice search and AI content

Over 50% of adults use voice search daily. That’s why you should use natural language in your text to mirror how people actually speak.

Use AI-powered tools to structure your content so that it employs long-tail keywords and natural human language. 

Embrace AI content analytics

Analyze your content for performance. Use tools like GA4, Ahrefs, and Search Console to see how your content is performing compared to competitors’ content. 

Sometimes, you’ll discover that adding extra keywords or a few paragraphs can make a difference. 

Use AI humanizers

AI humanization tools convert robotic-sounding text to natural human language by eliminating awkward phrases and replacing them with human-sounding alternatives.

You can humanize AI content using tools like Undetectable AI. But for deeper humanization, use human editors and proofreaders.

Involve humans in the process

Never post AI-generated content without letting a human editor go through it. Here is why:

  • Posting unedited AI content puts you in the same league as spam sites.
  • Low-quality AI text harms your domain reputation. 
  • AI content could hallucinate and produce false information.
  • Human editors can spot inconsistencies and falsehoods. 

Add a unique perspective

If you want to post AI content, infuse some human perspectives. Anecdotes and real-life examples can break the monotony of AI content.

In general, it will improve the uniqueness of the content while adding impetus to your words and experiences.

What is the future of AI content?

In the near future, AI content will flood the SERPs as companies try to cut costs and outperform competitors. But with time, the oversaturation of similar content will lead to a regression to the mean.

Over the coming months, we’ll see glowing reviews from people chasing the AI content clout, but this will also die down.

AI content will pollute Google search results to the extent that the company will have to introduce guardrails to stem the tide.

Eventually, we’ll end up in the middle ground where people and companies will use AI writing tools to generate content that has to pass through human filters.

Ronin Point helps businesses with SEO content

In case you’re unprepared to take any risks with AI content, RoninPoint can help you create original, high-quality SEO content. 

Our team of professionals conducts in-depth research to understand your value proposition and how best to present it to an audience, which ensures your ranking in search results. 

Want to humanize AI content? Contact us right away.

Who wrote this?

Iruoma Chukwuemeka is a serial writer. She creates engaging content with best SEO practices for clients who need reliable hands on their writing projects. She's also got an appetite for information and books.

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